Blender: Python Scripting Bones / Vertex Groups / Shape Keys
Blender has a powerfull scripting engine, that is no secret. I have had to utilize it more and more as time goes on. Here are a few examples for what I have had to use it for.
One example I have is when I had to create a script to automatically copy shape key names to another object, as AFAIK there is no function to do so in the GUI.
With this, we can just select 2 objects (one of which is active), and copy all the shape key names from the active to the other object:
import bpy
Stockplus - More construct props for Garrys Mod
Garrys Mod, the sandbox game, comes with a set of props you can use to build things. However I found the sets lacking, so I created some more props.
Created in blender, based on the stock models, uses materials from the game.
To make them fit precisely to the stock models, I imported the models from Gmod to blender and started working on the additional props from there.
Overall this
Portable soldering station
My portable soldering station, made from wood & plywood, with 3d printed components added in for good measure.
The tools can be separated from the case, as seen above.
I started it in mid 2020, with doing the final touches in early 2021. The body is made from scrap wood/plywood and it is quite simple construction. Not many pictures of its construction though.
As you can see the box is quite compact:
Gold, Silver & Platinum Bars - Gmod addon
Simple 3D models of valuable bars for the game Garrys Mod.
Mesh, Texture mapping etc. was made by me using Blender. Materials used were made by others or from Valves games.
More info on Steam Workshop
HD Errors - Gmod addon
A dumb mod for Garrys Mod.
This replaces the model which is displayed when another model is not found, with a higher quality model.
There is 2 versions:
- HD Errors (Replacement model)
- [HD Errors (Separate model)](