How I fixed "Save as" dialog not opening on Pale Moon (Firefox).

Posted: 2023-12-05 14:36:56Edited: 2023-12-05 14:39:22
Chronological date: 2023-12-05

For a long while I have had an issue with Pale Moon browser (which is based on the XUL platform, but is basically based on Mozilla Firefox.) on linux, where when downloading a file the "Save As..." dialog would not open, but only for some sites.

Looking around, I found some settings, like which points to the last download directory and others, but nothing helped. But then I noticed which means that f

Connecting media keys globally to foobar2000 on wine

Posted: 2022-12-04 13:20:20Edited: 2022-12-04 14:24:11
Chronological date: 2022-12-04

I consider foobar2000 still one of the best audio players, mainly because of it's excellent media library system (for why even DeadBeef did not cut it for me!).

Of course it runs well on linux with wine, however media keys (the extra ones on most keyboards), did not go through when the window was unfocused!

foobar2000 audio player screenshot

Further investication revealed that even native applications such as VLC did not receive the keypresses when unfocused


Posted: 2022-02-06 19:32:47Edited: 2022-02-09 16:21:14
Chronological date: 2022-02-06

qddcswitch is a Simple frontend for switching display inputs with ddcutil.

qddcswitch screenshot

This application idea started when I installed a Windows virtual machine with it's own dedicated GPU, to play Windows games and use software which only worked well on windows. Because I used Windows 7, I could not use a tool which streams the windows screen to linux, so I had to use a physical cable.

But th

Blender: Python Scripting Bones / Vertex Groups / Shape Keys

Posted: 2022-02-05 19:11:14Edited: 2023-01-10 15:37:01
Chronological date: 2022-02-05

Blender has a powerfull scripting engine, that is no secret. I have had to utilize it more and more as time goes on. Here are a few examples for what I have had to use it for.

One example I have is when I had to create a script to automatically copy shape key names to another object, as AFAIK there is no function to do so in the GUI.

With this, we can just select 2 objects (one of which is active), and copy all the shape key names from the active to the other object:

import bpy

My recent 3D experience in Godot 3.x

Posted: 2022-02-05 18:15:07Edited: 2022-02-05 18:30:01
Chronological date: 2022-02-05

The Godot Engine is a open source, MIT licenced game engine. It's strong point is said to be 2D, which to be fair, compared to something like Unity, it is. The 3D side is not as good at the moment, but I found it very workable, even if it had some flaws too.

godot project screenshot

While they are expecting to release version 4.0 probably this year, with many new improvements, even in it's current state the engine is very good, but in 3

On linux pro audio, Pipewire, JACK and VSTs

Posted: 2021-07-16 11:30:18Edited: 2021-07-16 11:59:41
Chronological date: 2021-07-16

I dabble with music time to time, specifically electronic music. I am not a massive synth buff, so I use computers to make music with VSTs etc. I also use linux, and recently installed pipewire, a replacement for pulseaudio, jack, alsa etc.

My setup
My setup, using REAPER.


To install pipewire (on Arch Linux (btw)), you can install pipewire, and for alsa, pulseaudio and jack you can respectively install pipewire-alsa, pipewire-pulse and `pipewi


Posted: 2021-07-16 11:00:53Edited: 2021-07-16 11:05:59
Chronological date: 2021-06-13

A map for garrysmod set in the mountains.

This one was developed (and released!) in relatively short time. Usually I set my scope way too high, and end up never releasing maps. So for this time I set out to make a map with a house in the mountains, and perhaps some other buildings.

In the end I got the map out in a reasonable time, with all the things I wanted it to have.

I for examp

Stockplus - More construct props for Garrys Mod

Posted: 2021-07-16 10:52:37Edited: 2021-07-16 11:06:10
Chronological date: 2021-07-13

Garrys Mod, the sandbox game, comes with a set of props you can use to build things. However I found the sets lacking, so I created some more props.

Created in blender, based on the stock models, uses materials from the game.

To make them fit precisely to the stock models, I imported the models from Gmod to blender and started working on the additional props from there.

Overall this

DIY 12V PSU for Proxxon tools.

Posted: 2021-06-03 12:43:41Edited: 2021-06-03 12:55:51
Chronological date: 2021-05-30

My power supply for 12V proxxon tools.

Proxxon 12V tools use a rectified unsmoothed power supply to allow thyristor based speed control. But a basic 2A psu costs over 20€, so making one more powerfull yourself is an option. The Schematic of my PSU is the following:

I invidually fused every output with a 10A automotive fuse, as well as fusing the whole device with 1,6A fast-acting fuse, sized according to transform

yancpcRaspi - Qt5 Car PC gui for Raspberry Pis.

Posted: 2021-04-27 15:47:41Edited: 2021-04-27 16:12:29
Chronological date: 2018-12-13

Yet Another Car PC (for Raspberry Pi). A WIP GUI for use in car stereos, with large buttons etc.

This was a school project, but I was planning to use this in own my car. But it's WIP, I have not had the time to work on it.

Currently it can scan a folder for .mp3s and save their info to .sqlite database. Then you can play the scanned music using omxplayer.

I created it using Qt5, C++ side. I utilized Qts' singals & slots, which made making this threade